At Hammersmith Management, we encourage all of our team members to take a paid day off each year in order to spend their time volunteering for a cause they believe in. Both individuals and teams from Hammersmith have volunteered everywhere from food kitchens to animal rescue shelters to youth outreach programs, and for many more great causes.
Recently a team of eight Hammersmith employees spent a day at the Ronald McDonald House in Aurora, CO, where they served a breakfast of bacon, eggs, pancakes, breakfast burritos to approximately 30 families in need.
This was the first HammerTime Day of Service for Kiri Robins, pictured back row and second from the left, who had this to say about the experience.
“The atmosphere was not at all what I expected. It was brilliant to get to know my coworkers outside of an office setting, and the families staying in the Ronald McDonald house were a delight,” she said.
“It felt like such a little thing to bring breakfast, but so many people approached us with gratitude and friendliness. It didn’t feel like service to me; it was, as cheesy as it sounds, a pleasure to be there.”
Hammersmith employees have many more Day of Service opportunities coming up, so be on the lookout for updates on our social media channels and here on our blog!
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